
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Noah's Easter Christening

A week before easter, I received a phone call from a lovely client who wanted a cake for her dear little grandson's Christening which was to be celebrated on Easter Sunday. When she casually mentioned that his name was Noah, I knew right away that this would be an opportunity to create something very special. Our family has a Heavenly son called Noah and I felt such a heart connection to this display. I loved using his name and having a rare opportunity to do something for another Noah that I was never able to do for my own son. To be honest, yes, it was a bittersweet experience and a few little tears escaped while I was making the display, but I also found it incredibly therapeutic and meaningful. Every letter of his name was made with love and great care. As much as I wanted to do this for my client, I knew that more than a little part of me was also doing this in honour of my beautiful Heavenly son. x

I was given free reign with the styling of this table. (Yes, a christening cake turned into a cake, cupcakes, cookies and a simply styled dessert table!!)
 My only instructions were to include elements of Easter in the cupcakes, and cross biscuits were requested. The client also wanted to use light blue and have Noah's name featured on the cake. A vintage theme was decided upon, so with a tight budget and a truck load of enthusiasm I had five days to create a small masterpiece!!




  1. So very sweet. I can imagine your mixed emotions, you made something wonderful - again, Anna.

  2. That made me cry Anna. xxxx
