
Friday, December 26, 2014

A Christmas snap.

Merry Christmas folks. 

The big day is over for another year and what a special time it was for our family. The major highlight of course was catching up with our big people for their commissioning service held before they all fly out to their various mission fields after ten days of gruelling boot camp where they have run a daily obstacle course, learnt brick laying and carpentry skills, puppetry and all sorts of marvellous things. For a sneak peak into life at Teen Missions Boot camp, check out this video. You've gotta admit, it does look kinda fun!!

After driving back home into the wee hours of Christmas morn, we rose early to go to our church service by the lake.

Then, as is our custom, we head to the cemetery to see our dear boy. x

Back home (at last!) for the fun part of opening presents!!

Go the Bunnies!! 

A lovely christmas dinner with friends brought our day to a close. 

 That's it for now. Just a snapshot. 

 I hope you have all had a blessed christmas day and have somehow found time to rest and reflect on the closing of the year and the beginning of a new one.



  1. LOVE the look on Kittys face looking at the Rabbitohs DVD. Hahahaha Maybe she is a Broncos girl??!!

  2. A beautiful and very full day. I hope you've managed some quiet time today Anna. You older three are looking so grown up - you must be contentedly proud of them.

  3. Thanks Karen. Yes, I am trying to slow the pace a bit now. We are so incredibly proud of our big people. The hard work is paying off!! Love to you and yours. I presume you have your nest full again over Christmas. xx

  4. Thanks Rose. Lots of love back to you. xxx
