
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Summer Blooms (or Bloomin' Summer!!)

I have a confession to make. A very unpopular confession.

I don't like Summer!!!

I REALLY don't like Summer. Can't stand it.

When you live in one of the most beautiful coastal communities in Australia, this  is quite a difficult position to hold!! The beaches are gorgeous and everyone, it seems, lives for the summer.
I try really hard to bite my tongue on those all too frequent stinking hot days when all I want to do is cry because of the heat. People look at me like I have two heads when I even hint at my intense dislike of our golden Aussie summers.
But  I really, REALLY struggle with the heat.  
It is too hot to work, too hot to clean, too hot to do schoolwork with the kids, and most despairingly, too hot to cook!!!
What am I to do??? (Besides take 4 showers a day!)

My ideal climate would be similar to New Zealand, I imagine. Warmish, short summers and long bitterly cold winters. Ahhhh...BLISS! 
In Summer I wilt, in winter I come alive! I LOVE it!
As an indoor girl, I would much rather curl up by the fire and read a good book, or spend hours in my kitchen cooking up all sorts of winter comfort foods. 
But alas!! I am and Summer is here to stay!

So..... in my vain attempt to at least appear to enjoy this season, I  have made my  Bloomin' Summer   Summer Blooms cake  and cupcakes with the brightest colours I could muster up! 
It was all a bit tricky of course, because my gumpaste wouldn't set in the wretched humidity!!!!! (ARRGH!!)



  1. You might not like summer chick but those summer colours are ALL you!!! Stunning :-)

  2. Ahh, I hear you! And taking photos is torture too, coz everything just sticks to you while you try to hold a position and want to collapse.

  3. Oh Anna! You know i hate it as much as you!!! I can't wait for Summer to be over!

    Your Summer Blooms cakes are divine! Clever girl.

    What are you using to get your colours soooo vibrant?


  4. Anna, those colours! And the quilt too!
    xxxx K (borrowing Big Sister's account)

  5. We DO agree on the heat, huh? Love it and I love this cake and cupcakes! So pretty!!
