
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Taekwondo Legend

Ok, I am going to brag.  Just warning you. 

My  younger son graded for his black belt in Taekwondo last weekend, and boy was he awesome!!  (Told you!)  He was incredible. A real power ball. The whole day was heightened with emotion as he and another young girl sweated it out with sparring, routines, board breaking and heartfelt speeches. It was one of those days in life as a parent when you store away the memories forever. 

We were so proud. 

Check this out.....(apologies for the quality..)

It was also our son's 15th birthday. How fabulous is that?! On his way out the door after a successful grading, he  proudly proclaimed....

"That was the BEST birthday ever!"

So of course, cake had to be involved. 

The whole club was going out for dinner after the grading, so Mama Bear puts up her hand to provide everyone with sweets. How does 50 Chocolate Oreo cupcakes and a white chocolate mud cake sound? Perfect.
I made the figures out of gumpaste and poked a toothpick under the foot to stick into the top of the cake.  I then took my hand to cutting out "Taekwondo" in Korean characters....hmm....don't look too closely.   I loved the monochromatic look of the gave it a real 'punch' (Pardon the pun!!)

Watching your children achieve success in something they work hard for or put their mind to is so exciting. Truly one of the rewarding joys of parenting.
 Well done son. We are cheering you on. x




  1. You should be ever so proud, Jesse has achieved a fantastic feat and will continue to improve and learn with his exeptional dedication and natural athleticism and talent.

    He was fantastic to see in action and at his absolute best!

  2. Thanks Riki. Yes, it was one of those incredible days we will remember forever!! Jesse was outstanding...also a testament to you and Mark.xx
